الخميس، 22 نوفمبر 2012

Couple refuses to move despite apartment building that lies in middle of roadway



A car drives by a house in the middle of a newly built road in Wenling, Zhejiang province, Thursday. 

Talk about prime real estate.

A half-demolished apartment building now stands smack dab in the middle of a new roadway thanks to a Chinese couple that refused to move.

Luo Baogen and his wife balked at relocating from their home in the city of Wenling, Zhejiang province, eastern China, because they believed the government did not offer them enough compensation, China Daily reported.

Their neighbors are all gone, but many of the unoccupied rooms are still intact to make sure that the property is safe for the couple to live in.

The road paved through the Xiazhangyang village is not yet open.



The elderly couple refused to sign an agreement to allow their house to be demolished, arguing that the compensation offered is not enough to cover rebuilding costs. 

The dilapidated building, however, proves to be quite a bizarre sight for the select motorists who have been given a chance to drive around the structure.

Private ownership laws have tightened in the People’s Republic of China in recent years.

It’s illegal to raze a property without the owner’s prior consent.

Those who refuse to leave are dubbed “Nail Householders,” referring to a nail that is nearly impossible to remove from wood.



Luo Baogen looks down from his house, the only building left standing on a road which is paved through their village.

Baogen and his wife are not the first couple to thwart public construction by refusing to move.

Hong Chunqin, 75, and her husband Kung first accepted about $ 10,000 to move from their home in Taizhou, Zhejiang province, eastern China, early this year.

They later backtracked, forcing developers to build a road around their property.



Couple refuses to move despite apartment building that lies in middle of roadway http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1206282.1353593374!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/house1.jpg

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